Best way to make profit in rust gambling
Best way to make profit in rust gambling

best way to make profit in rust gambling

Vending machines are generally pretty safe, but deals with other players can turn out pretty badly. To put it simply, trading can be extremely effective, but is the riskiest method possible. You never know if they have a sniper buddy on the cliff ready to take back their items. Do this at your own risk, and don’t take your best gear. The downside to this is that they are safe in their base while you’re stuck in the open. Rust players might also build a shop front into their base, which allows you to trade with them. Make sure you evaluate the deal though, as something crazy like thousands of gunpowder really isn’t worth it for a tiny amount of scrap. Since I’m talking about getting scrap, search around until you find one that’ll give you a good amount of scrap for some resources. Whether it be scrap for an AK-47 or sulfur for scrap, you can usually find some pretty great items. High-level players will place vending machines down that allow you to trade items for other items. Rust is kind enough to tell you if they are empty or not, so that saves you a lot of walking.

best way to make profit in rust gambling

Take a look at your minimap, and you’ll see shop icons all over the map. I’ve had several of these in my time playing Rust, and they made the game much more enjoyable. Every once in a while, you’ll come across a friendly neighbor who’s willing to trade scrap for some provisions. Wait, isn’t this the opposite of what Rust is about? It definitely is, which makes it somewhat risky. Here’s my short guide to farming scrap the most efficient ways possible. Fortunately, I’ve wasted a lot of time figuring out the best ways so that you can start getting the most scrap in the shortest time possible. Not everyone has that one friend that spends hours a day farming scrap for your group. Whether it be for researching, crafting a workbench, or buying items from vending machines, you need to know the right ways to get it. It doesn’t take you very long to realize that you’re gonna need a buttload of scrap to progress.

Best way to make profit in rust gambling